Membre abonné à la Formule Premium

Kurt E.

Profil de confiance
Cet utilisateur a fait vérifier plusieurs informations sur son identité et a reçu des avis positifs de la communauté Nomador.

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Dernière activité : il y a un mois

À propos de Kurt E.

77 ans | Retired diplomat | En couple/duo

Meet the Green-Thumb Diplomatic Duo
Hello there! We are Kurt and Jennifer, two retirees from the Canadian foreign service.
We’re looking forward to new adventures in the world of house-sitting and pet care.
After travelling the world on postings to different countries and territories in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean, we bring a keen sense of responsibility, organization, and respect for diverse cultures. We understand the importance of trust, reliability, and clear communication. Kurt’s work often involved hardship assignments in difficult circumstances, including refugee camps and makeshift travel and transportation arrangements. As such we wish to reassure you that we have no expectations of what people may imagine the diplomatic lifestyle to be. In fact we had very little use for the cocktail circuit!
Kurt is quite handy around the house and does most maintenance himself. Jennifer has an amazing Green Thumb Touch and loves looking after indoor and outdoor plants.
We’re Empty Nesters now but we always provided our children with their own cats and dogs. We now have the freedom to travel and embrace new experiences. House-sitting would allow us to combine our interest in discovering new people and places with the pleasure of taking care of others’ beloved pets.

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Mes compagnons de voyage
Jennifer, 65 ans, Retired, Conjoint(e) / Partenaire

Langue(s) parlée(s)
Anglais | Français | Espagnol | Allemand

Compliments reçus

Sensible à la propreté
Ami(e) des plantes

Avis de la communauté


Stephen G.

Valencia, Spain - Janvier 2024

Kurt and Jennifer are the sweetest couple. They're very attentive in every way concerning the home and looking after our pet. When returning home the apartment was very clean and the cat happy. In fact he seems to have really enjoyed the attention .

Sabine P.

Lausanne, Switzerland - Décembre 2023

Kurt et Jennifer m'ont accueillie avec un succulent repas le soir de mon retour. Mon chat était en pleine forme et ma maison en parfait état. C'est un couple chaleureux, joyeux, positif, qui a profité de visiter la région malgré la météo exécrable. J'ai été très heureuse de leur avoir fait confiance et je les recommande à qui recevrait leur inscription car ils ont répondu à toutes mes attentes. Merci Kurt et Jennifer !

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