
Brussels, Belgium

Veröffentlicht am 12.07.2024

Bedürfnisse und Tiere

Tiere hüten | Tiere mit besonderen Bedürfnissen | 1 Hund

Mitsi is a rescue mixed labrador-type dog. She is easy in terms of physical needs: two walks per day (she's flexible with the timing and the length, we usually take her once in the late morning and once in the late evening, for one hour of walk in total), two feeds per day around the same time as the walk, and a full bowl of water all day long. She can be left alone all day. She is a bit more difficult in the walks, as she is reactive with dogs. A good strategy is to cross the street to avoid crossing other dogs. Plants need to be watered only once a week.
Mitsi is a rescue mixed labrador-type dog. She is easy in terms of physical needs: two walks per day (she's flexible with the timing and the length, we usually take her once in the late morning and once in the late evening, for one hour of walk in total), two feeds per day around the same time as the walk, and a full bowl of water all day long. She can be left alone all day. She is a bit more difficult in the walks, as she is reactive with dogs. A good strategy is to cross the street to avoid crossing other dogs. Plants need to be watered only once a week.

Einzelheiten zu diesen Terminen

We are leaving on the 19th, you could arrive one or two days earlier so we introduce you to Mitzi and the neighborhood. If you want to come for a shorter period of time, you are also welcome to!
We are leaving on the 19th, you could arrive one or two days earlier so we introduce you to Mitzi and the neighborhood. If you want to come for a shorter period of time, you are also welcome to!


Cosy appartment in Brussels, in the heart of a lively neighborhood with many beautiuful parks including one facing the apartment, which makes it full of light. Super well connected by public transportation, 20 minutes away from the center (less by bike, more by foot), and 10 minutes walk from South train station.
Cosy appartment in Brussels, in the heart of a lively neighborhood with many beautiuful parks including one facing the apartment, which makes it full of light. Super well connected by public transportation, 20 minutes away from the center (less by bike, more by foot), and 10 minutes walk from South train station.

Wohnung | Stadt | Blick auf die Stadt

Komfort und Luxus

Wohnfläche zwischen 50 und 150 m²
ein Stockwerk
5 Zimmer, davon 2 Schlafzimmer
Zugang zum Internet
Wohnfläche zwischen 50 und 150 m²
ein Stockwerk
5 Zimmer, davon 2 Schlafzimmer
Zugang zum Internet
Arzt in der Nähe
In der Nähe einer Bushaltestelle
In der Nähe einer Bahnstation
In der Nähe einer U-Bahn-Haltestelle
Mit dem Flugzeug erreichbar

Although the neighborhood is busy, double glazing makes the appartment quiet and comfortable. There are two neighborhood "local" markets (Mondays and Wednesdays) as well as a bigger Sunday market, all within less than 15 minutes walk, carrying fresh fruits and veggies, meats, fish, and cheeses, and street food. There is an organic store under the building, a few restaurants and an arts center nearby, and in the same neighborhood as the markets, many bars and a lively night life. The big park facing the apartment is full of picnics on the weekend, and the other big park has a beautiful high view of the city. We have a dishwasher, a vacuum robot and a washing machine which make domestic tasks easier. Other appliances include a water boiler and a toaster. We have no bath tub.
Although the neighborhood is busy, double glazing makes the appartment quiet and comfortable. There are two neighborhood "local" markets (Mondays and Wednesdays) as well as a bigger Sunday market, all within less than 15 minutes walk, carrying fresh fruits and veggies, meats, fish, and cheeses, and street food. There is an organic store under the building, a few restaurants and an arts center nearby, and in the same neighborhood as the markets, many bars and a lively night life. The big park facing the apartment is full of picnics on the weekend, and the other big park has a beautiful high view of the city. We have a dishwasher, a vacuum robot and a washing machine which make domestic tasks easier. Other appliances include a water boiler and a toaster. We have no bath tub.

Tourismus und Freizeit


Brussels is a wonderful, underrated city. It is full of kind people who like to take life easy. It has beautiful museums for every subject (fine art, science, music, comics, sewer, ...), many iconic art déco buildings, and many restaurants and bars to discover. I particularily recommend the Place du Jeu de Balle flea market, which is surrounded with permanent second hand and antiques stores, the Parvis de Saint-Gilles for a drink in the evening, and of course a stroll through the center of the city (Grande Place, Bourse, ...). If you're a fan, there's an opportunity to taste many different kinds of beer, and the chocolate is always delicious. The city also offers an opportunity for nature walks (Bois de la Cambre, Forêt de Soignes).
Brussels is a wonderful, underrated city. It is full of kind people who like to take life easy. It has beautiful museums for every subject (fine art, science, music, comics, sewer, ...), many iconic art déco buildings, and many restaurants and bars to discover. I particularily recommend the Place du Jeu de Balle flea market, which is surrounded with permanent second hand and antiques stores, the Parvis de Saint-Gilles for a drink in the evening, and of course a stroll through the center of the city (Grande Place, Bourse, ...). If you're a fan, there's an opportunity to taste many different kinds of beer, and the chocolate is always delicious. The city also offers an opportunity for nature walks (Bois de la Cambre, Forêt de Soignes).

Standort der Unterkunft

Über den Host

Brussels, Belgium

von 30 Juli bis 4 Aug. 24

Flexible Daten

1 Hund

Dounia sucht einen
homesitter von:

24 juli 24 BIS 4 aug 24

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Marrakesh-Safi, Morocco

von 10 Sept. bis 27 Okt. 24

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Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

von 8 bis 15 Sept. 24

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1 Katze - 1 Hund

Pays de la Loire, France

von 10 bis 16 Aug. 24

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