House-sitter tips for a successful application

Making the right impression is the first step to building trust!

Home and pet owners have very clear expectations of house-sitters

  • Building a relationship of trust with house-sitters they can rely on
  • Finding house-sitters able to look after the house and pets while they are away
  • Establishing a friendly relationship

It’s quite something to entrust one’s house, one’s belongings and one’s cherished pets to another person. As a prospective house-sitter, put yourself in home-owners’ shoes. Convince them you are trustworthy and reliable!

Inspiring trust on first contact

Take care how you write up your profile:

When you contact an Owner on Nomador, the first thing people will look at is your Profile. Your Profile is a sort of House-Sitter’s résumé or Curriculum Vitae. It displays a picture of you. It tells who you are, what qualifications you have, and your reasons for house-sitting.

This page on Trust Profiles may help you better understand how Profiles help build Trust.

Once your Profile is drafted, you can change and improve it any time, by logging on to your account.

Post a friendly and personal message:

You’ve just seen an advert to house-sit a home that appeals to you. How should you introduce yourself to the home owner? Read the advert carefully, and try and understand why the home-owner wants a house-sitter.

  • To keep the home occupied?
  • To look after a dog or a cat?
  • For watering plants in the garden?
  • Or because he wants to connect with people from other countries in the world?

The reasons why a home-owner is looking for a house-sitter should be plain from the advert. Respond with a personal and friendly message, emphasizing that you can provide the service that’s asked. Explain why you think you’re the best person to look after the property while he is away! A well-written message will convince the home-owner that you understand his need. You improve your chances of stimulating interest and getting a reply.

Getting to know one another and building trust

Sharing a common interest is key to a successful house-sitting deal!

Raise the right questions: Find out what’s wanted! Once you’re in contact with a home owner, don’t hesitate to raise all the important questions about the house, its environment and the likes and dislikes of its pets. What does the home-owner expect from a house-sitter? House-sitters should be attentive, not just where the house is, but to what sorts of services are needed. The more expectations you meet, the more likely the home-owner will be to leave you in charge and, carefree, go away on holiday.

Introduce yourself as openly as you can. Obviously, a prospective house-sitter will say they like the home’s location as a travel destination. But you should introduce yourself in more detail. Saying who you are is the best way to appeal to home-owners. Owners need to feel they can trust house-sitters to look after things. If you like dogs, but are not so happy with cats, say so! Be as open as you can about the sort of person you are!

Constantly improving your Profile

Members of Nomador can evaluate the house-sitting experience after the event and issue endorsements

  • Badges are allocated to describe the key positives about home-owners or house-sitters,
  • Endorsements of house-sitters by home-owners, and of home-owners by house-sitters can be issued. Use your Profile to display endorsements, if you so wish.

Then, every time you start looking for a home or for a house-sitter, you can display in your Profile a track record of recommendations from the people with whom you shared a successful house-sit experience. What better way to carry on house-sitting and enjoy it even more in the future?

Don’t forget! Update your Profile and take every opportunity as it arises, to improve its contents!

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To contact a house-sitter, you first need to create a listing.