Terms of Use

These terms were modified on 10 September 2019.

Please read these Nomador General Terms of Use attentively (hereinafter known as "Terms" or "General Terms of Use"), before using the website accessible on www.nomador.com (hereinafter known as "Website"), operated by Nomador Pty Ltd (A.C.N. 164 864 457) (hereinafter known as "us" or "our").This Agreement defines general provisions framing the use of services available to you on the Website.

By accessing or using the Website in any manner, including, but not limited to, visiting or browsing the Website, or contributing content or other materials, you hereby agree to be bound by these General Terms of Use as determined herein and by the General Terms of Service and confidentiality Policy that may be consulted on the Website.

Nomador Website

The Website is a community house-sitting platform, being a space open to interaction by users namely home-owners seeking to have their home looked after when they are absent and house-sitters seeking to stay in that accommodation. The Website enables home-owners and house-sitters to communicate through an internal email system.

Use of the Website is restricted to private individuals only. There shall be considered a Website user any person visiting the Website and/or using the services proposed by or through that Website.

Levels of Services

The Website gives access to three levels of service, all governed by these General Terms of Use:

The freely accessible services for simple visitors to the Website: These services include consultation of the Website's information pages, the list of offers of stays and the list of house-sitters (without the option to contact members).

The services reserved for members registered under the Discovery Option, who can:

  • Contact an owner who has published an offer of a stay not reserved for subscribers (up to the limit of the number of free contacts offered by the Discovery Option),
  • Publish a listing to have their home looked after, and reply to applicants,
  • Create email alerts to be informed of the publication of new stays,
  • Complete their profile, i.e. provide information about their identity, preferences, etc.,
  • Submit and receive feedback at the end of each stay.

The services reserved for subscribers, who can:

  • Restrict their offer to other subscribers only,
  • Publish several offers of stays,
  • Contact house-sitters by searching through Nomador members,
  • Apply to all listings that interest them,
  • Submit and receive feedback at the end of each stay.

Registration - User Account

Nomador enables you to register on the Website with your email address and a password of your choice. The email address that you communicate to us is used as a log-in when you connect to the Website and as the address to which we send you emails. To be registered you must have clicked on the confirmation link contained in the email that we send you in response to your request for registration. This allows us to check that your email address exists and functions as the means whereby we are able to communicate with you.

When you log on to the Website as a registered person, you access it on a personal basis, which means that the information you receive and send is determined by your personal identity. You therefore have and keep personal control over the contact that you seek to make or not to make with other users.

The combination of your email address and your password is known as your User Account. It is your responsibility to protect your User Account by not disclosing it, in particular your password, which you are advised should be devised as secure as possible (e.g. by avoiding the use of facile sequences such as "123", etc.). You are wholly responsible for the use that is made of your User Account and we disclaim all liability in the event of loss or theft affecting your User Account. You can modify your password whenever you wish. You are also entitled to request that your User Account be terminated and all your personal information on the Website deleted.

Furthermore, when you log on to the Website using your User Account you recognise and accept that:

  • The data (information, messages, images, etc.) that we receive through this User Account are identified without possible dispute as having been supplied by your direct action and said data shall be deemed of an identical standing as written material supplied directly by yourself;
  • We may make use of the paper printout of the information sent from your User Account, notably messages that you send to other users to provide evidence of content.

Finally, all information that you communicate to us through your User Account is governed by our confidentiality policy.

Identity Documents

The Website enables you to upload identity documents in order to increase your "Trust Index", i.e. a rating assigned to you by the Website based on the proof of identity that you communicate. Uploading of your ID documents is proposed in encrypted mode (Https protocol) to improve the security of transmission without our being held in any way liable in the event of fraudulent interception of data or documents at the time of said transmission.

We commit not to use the identity documents transmitted by yourselves to us for any purpose other than verification. In all cases, we commit to not communicating your identity documents to any person whatsoever including any and all images or information contained therein.

Before you get in contact with a home-owner, you need to have at least one ID document or proof of domicile validated.

All documents you send are examined by a website moderator. They are automatically deleted from the servers as soon as the moderator validates (or refuses to validate) them. No proof of domicile or ID is kept. All personal records are definitively deleted.

The verification of the documents you send to us is assured by ourselves manually, through our moderator team. Moderators may accept or reject a document on viewing it. Documents that are illegible or have the appearance of being fictitious will be systematically rejected. In the event of rejection, the document received will be deleted and therefore not archived.

Our verification of your identity documents may in no way be construed as their authentication. There is no intention on our part to ascribe or to impute to them plausibility or to deny them plausibility. Consequently, you are not entitled to make claim that the verification that we perform on the identity documents you send to us, represents that the user sending those documents has been identified with certainty. The use of this Website document uploading service is governed by the same rules of use as other services on the Website, notably limitation of liability and Warranty Disclaimer as defined in the General Terms of Service.

At any time, one of the website's moderators may ask a member to upload a new proof of identity or a new proof of residence. Refusal to do so may result in suspension of the account.


Any user may if they so wish subscribe by making payment on the Website and thereby for the duration of the subscription dispose of services restricted to subscribers only. A former subscriber may continue to access the contacts that he or she may have made with other users whether or not subscribers, but the former subscriber:

  • may no longer access offers of accommodation restricted to subscribers only,
  • if he or she posted an offer of accommodation restricted to subscribers only, that offer becomes accessible to all registered users whether or not subscribers.
  • Recurring Subscriptions: If you select a service with automatic renewal, you authorize Nomador to maintain your payment information and charge the provided payment method automatically upon the monthly subscription renewal with no further action required by you. The membership fee for the monthly Nomador subscription will be charged to your payment method on the specific billing date indicated within your account. You can cancel your Nomador subscription at any time and will continue to have access to the Nomador service through the end of your billing period.

Right to withdrawal A Member has a period of fourteen (14) calendar days from payment of a subscription to exercise their right to withdrawal to Nomador. To exercise their right to withdrawal, the Member must make a request to Nomador using the contact form available at the bottom of this page. 
This right will only be valid if the Member has not yet used the paying service (i.e. if they haven't yet applied to any listings reserved for subscribers, or haven't yet contacted any house-sitters, or haven't yet published more than one listing). The sums paid as part of the subscription are repaid to the credit of the bank card used by the Member for the initial payment as soon as possible, in any event, at the latest within fourteen (14) days following the date when the right of withdrawal was exercised. Depending on the particular conditions of the bank card used, as well as inter-bank transfer periods, a re-credit can take between 5 and 30 days before appearing on the user's bank statement.


After a house-sit, each user who has taken part in the exchange is invited to give feedback by describing the main qualities observed in the homeowner or house-sitter. To do that, they should select three badges that identify the qualities spotted in their opposite number. The badges represent qualities in a range of areas, for example: relationship with others, maintenance of a home, maintenance of a garden, care for pets, additional skills. The 3 most frequently awarded badges are displayed automatically on profiles and on listings, whether the member is a subscriber or using the Discovery Option.

Recommendations between users

At the end of a stay, any member can recommend another member of the website by writing a reference. This recommendation will only be published subject to the agreement of the person it relates to. Recommendations are only visible on members' profiles.

A dissatisfied member may choose not to recommend. In such a case, the homeowner's or house-sitter's profile will bear the comment "1 person does not recommend this member".


We pre- or post-filter information published on the Website, including on the basis of information received from a third party or user. This filtering process, also known as Moderation, is undertaken by our team of moderators. The purpose of the Website moderation is to afford to all Users service of a quality consistent with their expectations. Under these General Terms of Use, Nomador therefore reserves the right to delete any content deemed to be inconsistent with our requirements of quality and in particular, but not limited thereto, in the following circumstances:

  • if content is offensive or unlawful,
  • if it is agressive or unfriendly and does not respect the spirit of the community,
  • if a profile picture is unsuitable for house-sitting (especially beach photos, or photos which have been photoshopped or enhanced with various filters, which do not reflect the seriousness expected of a house-sitting application).
  • if an image is offensive or unlawful,
  • if there are random characters or meaningless sequences of words,
  • if entries are poorly written, being incomprehensible,
  • if entries are unrelated to home-sitting,
  • if entries contain personal information about others without their express agreement,
  • if entries contain a hypertext link,
  • if entries contain personal data (email address, telephone number, etc.), except within the framework of Website internal email,
  • if a listing or a member's profile are empty or contain no information,
  • if a payment is being asked for (for example, a deposit),
  • if a remuneration is offered (paying a house-sitter can be an infringement of local labour laws, particularly if they are undeclared and have no contract),
  • if a listing is not a house-sitting offer (e.g. an advert for staff to manage lettings, to carry out maintenance or building work beyond the normal everyday upkeep of a property),
  • if the accommodation offered does not have the normal standards of comfort that house-sitters would expect (e.g. lack of toilet/bathroom facilities, accommodation in a tent or cabin, etc.).

Nomador shall deploy all its resources to filter content published on the Website, but we are materially and in principle unable to do so for all notably (but without limitation) in the event of instant messaging between Website users through our integrated email service. Consequently, the clauses of limitation of liability and warranty disclaimer determined in the General Terms of Service shall apply in whole to the content published on the Website.

Internal messaging service

The internal messaging service is designed to enable members: 1/ to introduce themselves and explain why they want to be involved in house-sitting, 2/ to go into greater detail and get to know each other before exchanging contact details. Contacting members by systematically passing on one's phone number, personal email address or other contact details to encourage communication outside the website is damaging to honest discussion and against the Terms and Conditions. A discussion between two people can be blocked by a moderator if it contains aggressive or unfriendly remarks.

Exclusion or temporary suspension of account

The diffusion of content that is offensive or contrary to our requirements of quality is liable to significantly alter the Website's image because the Website may be viewed by a large number of users in a very short space of time. Hence any diffusion whether attempted or deliberate of such offensive content or of content contrary to our quality requirements shall be deemed sufficient grounds for immediate exclusion of the User engaging in such activity from the Website without notice or need for further process. If a subscriber is so excluded, subscription will be terminated immediately under the same procedure as above including foreclosure of any right to financial compensation.

Access to the website may be refused to a member whose profile is unsuitable for the activity of house-sitting (e.g. but not exclusively, minors or very young people), subject to the decision of a moderator.

A member (either owner or sitter) who cancels a commitment without sufficient notice and/or without a serious reason (such as serious illness or death of a relative), may be excluded from Nomador without refund of their subscription fees (if applicable).

Nomador reserves the right to exclude (without previous notice and without refund of prescription fees if applicable) a member whose behavior is inconsistent with a proper use of the website and the community values. In particular, but not limited thereto, in the following circumstances:

  • if reported by other members,
  • in the event of abusive use of the website (particularly, but not exclusively, making contact by the internal messaging service for reasons other than to offer a stay or to apply for a stay),
  • in the event of proven dishonesty or false declarations relating to past experiences,
  • in the event of refusal to use the website appropriately,
  • in the event of the creation of multiple accounts,
  • in the event of inappropriate and insistent contact with other members (e.g. repeated application messages),
  • in the event of remarks that are aggressive, unfriendly, insulting, xenophobic or that incite racial hatred.
  • In the event of the removal of a member, Nomador reserves the right to inform other members with whom a future stay may have been arranged, in order to avoid a repetition of unauthorised behaviour, (e.g. withdrawal from an arrangement without a proper reason, inviting third parties into a property without the formal agreement of the homeowner).

Limitation of liability and warranty disclaimer

Nomador shall not in any way whatsoever intervene in the relationship that is established by Users with one another subsequent to their making contact through the Website. The clauses of limitation of liability and warranty disclaimer determined in the General Terms of Service shall therefore in particular apply to such events as may arise when a home is lent to a third party or a home is being looked after by a third party.

Governing Law

This Agreement and any further rules, policies or guidelines incorporated by reference shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of NSW, Australia, without giving effect to any principles or conflicts of law.

Changes to these Terms

We reserve the right at our sole discretion to modify or replace these General Terms of Use by posting the updated terms on the Website. Your continued use of the Website after any such changes constitutes your acceptance of the new General Terms of Use.

Please review these General Terms of Use periodically for changes. If you do not agree to any changes in these General Terms of Use, do not use, access or continue to access, the Website and discontinue any use of the Website immediately.

Contact us

If you have any question about these General Terms of Use, please contact us.

A free Discovery Option to discover house sitting

Verified reviews from real house sitting experiences

Free Identity check for house sitters

Mail support 7/7 on a secure network

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To contact a house-sitter, you first need to create a listing.