Breda & Colm

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Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland

About Breda & Colm

38 years old | Plumber / builder | As a couple/duo

An Irish couple from the country side of Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ireland. We are both in our late thirties, fit, and well able to do any job between us. We love animals and are well able for all domestic animals having grown up on a farm. We have two rescue dogs of our own, who spend there time on my (Colms) parents farm. I am a plumber by trade but enjoy renovating old houses. Breda is a nurse/manager at Tralee general hospital. We like organic gardening, animals, nature, cycling, swimming, leisurely walks, travel, new places,peace, people and a good ol chat. We are completely new to house sitting and would love for you to give us a chance/opportunity to mind your animals and home while also enjoying your home, animals and surrounding areas. We are very excited about signing up to this, as it ticks the boxes for us on a budget while making new friends

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My travel companions
Breda, 39 years old, Nurse, Spouse / Partner

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