Joanne a.

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Setúbal Municipality, Setubal, Portugal


About Joanne a.

49 years old | Freelance travel writer & blogger

Hello! I'm Jo, a professional travel writer who has spent the last five years travelling slowly around Europe while running my business. Because I'm location independent with an online business, I have the flexibility to travel so I can take care of your beloved pets and look after your cherished possessions while you're away. All I need is a good wifi connection!

I'm mature, responsible, trustworthy and have experience of caring for cats, dogs, and a variety of small animals including rabbits and even pet rats! I'm a non-smoker, with no dependents and no pets, and I've done several housesits around Europe and left my heart in several different places already.

I've initially marked myself as available in Europe, but I would happily travel further for a longer sit of a month upwards. However, although I have a driving licence it's been some years since I've driven, so I prefer to be on a good bus route or in a central location.

One of the things I miss most of all as a full-time traveller and animal lover is being able to have pets. While I have mostly rented Airbnb properties on my own, when I have taken accommodation with the owner I seem to gravitate towards those with pets, so I can get my fill of cuddles and playtime. So house sitting is a fantastic solution. It means I have the opportunity to spend time cuddling, playing with, and caring for some pets temporarily, while your pets are able to remain in an environment they feel comfortable and secure in, and you can relax in the knowledge that I am looking after your house and your furry friends as if they were my own.

In addition, house sitting gives me the opportunity to see different parts of the world, to learn why you love living there, and to experience life as a local in a variety of different cultures and environments.

I've been a pet owner from a very young age, growing up with cats and rabbits, while my first ever job was at a boarding kennels and cattery. Here I used to run to work every weekend to clean out kennels and catteries, comfort and play with cats, and walk dogs around a large field. It was the perfect first job for me, and gave me experience in dealing with a wide range of dogs and cats, including those who were frightened or sad at being left in a strange place. The owners also trusted me to stay there overnight and look after their own dogs, two German shepherds and two cocker spaniels, while they were away.

A few years ago while travelling around New Zealand

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Language(s) spoken
English | Spanish | French | Portuguese

Compliments received

Cat lover
Master of Cleanliness
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Community opinion


Elisabeth d.

Nantes, France - January 2020

Merci Joanne d'avoir gardé notre maison et notre chat pendant notre absence. Même si Helia n'a pas été facile tous les jours, nous l'avons retrouvée joueuse dans une maison bien tenue, ce qui était très appréciable en rentrant de vacances. Joanne nous a régulièrement donné des nouvelles du chat, de la maison et nous avons pu profiter pleinement de nos vacances. Nous recommandons Joanne sans hésiter ! On ne peut renseigner que 3 badges mais Joanne était aussi particulièrement autonome, sensible au rangement et a su s'occuper de notre potager d'hiver !

Aurore c.

Épinal, France - July 2019

Jo a été une catsitter parfaite :) J'ai pu profiter de mes vacances en toute confiance, l'esprit tranquille, car je savais que mon chat était vraiment entre de bonnes mains. Elle a été d'une grande gentillesse avec lui chat, et s'en est occupée avec beaucoup de douceur. Tout au long de mon absence, Jo me donnait régulièrement des nouvelles, ce qui est vraiment appréciable. Elle est, de surcroît, une jeune femme super sympathique, très respectueuse, et vraiment intéressante: durant nos deux journées de cohabitation, nous avons eu des conversations aussi drôles qu'enrichissantes, et ça a véritablement été un plaisir de la rencontrer. Elle a laissé l'appartement en parfait état. Pour toutes ces raisons, je ne peux que recommander Jo à 100%% et sans aucune réserve.

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