Jacqui L.

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Athenry, County Galway, Ireland

Last activity: 3 months ago

About Jacqui L.

60 years old | Operations Manager | As a couple/duo

I’m Jacqui & I usually live with my husband Brian in Sydney, Australia. We have one son who’s 25 years old & has flown the coup. I’m originally from Ireland & Brian is Australian. Brian is a qualified plumber & I’ve worked as an operations manager for most of my career.
We’ve to taken a ‘gap year’ or two & are keen to spend some time in Europe.
We’ve raised our family, which included a gorgeous Staffordshire terrier who sadly passed away 2 years ago. We’re mature, trustworthy, easy going & respectful & we’ve been lucky to have done lots of travel over the years. We know how important it is to look after pets & a home and we would aim to treat any house sit as if it was our own.
We enjoy seeing new places & meeting new people and we’re open to new experiences.

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My travel companions
Brian, 62 years old, Plumber, Spouse / Partner

Language(s) spoken
English | French

Dates already booked

  • From 06/10/2024 to 01/05/2025

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