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Wednesday, October 19, 2022 - Pets

Five dog care solutions while you're on vacation

Unfortunately, you can't always take your pet with you on vacation. As a result, you'll need to find a dog care solution to ensure their well-being in your absence. Your first thought will undoubtedly be to ask your friends or family, but they might not always be available, especially in summer. So, who should care for your dog while you're on vacation? We'll help you find the solution that works best for you, along with their typical price points.

1. Entrust them to a friend or family member

The first dog care option while you're on vacation is calling upon a friend, family member or neighbor. This is a free option, but your family member must be willing to do so and must also get along with your pet. The advantage of this option is that you're leaving your pet with family. They'll be under close supervision and will receive lots of attention, and you can be sure they're safe. There's no risk of neglect in favor of other animals!

2. Take them to a boarding kennel

If none of your friends or family are available, you can take your four-legged friend to a boarding kennel. This, however, is not a solution that works well with shy or fearful dogs. To choose the right boarding kennel, we suggest visiting them in advance and checking on the condition of the facilities. You can also ask how outdoor time is handled, provide details about your dog's diet, check the dedication of the caregivers, etc.


3. Find a host family

For dog care while you're on vacation, you can also use a host family. To offer this type of dog sitting service, a certificate of animal capacity and animal liability insurance are required. Take the time to choose a good family to ensure the well-being of your pet in your absence. Something to keep in mind: Your furball must be able to stay and socialize with other animals, and sometimes this can include cats as well as dogs.

4. Work with an in-home dog sitter

To travel in peace of mind, contact a pet sitter and, more specifically, a dog sitter who specializes in caring for dogs. Dog sitters offer in-home dog care and come directly to your home. This allows your pet to remain in its usual environment in order to avoid the stress of your absence. The dog sitter takes care of your dog as if it were their own. Games, food, give the instructions and determine the number of visits per day and per week. It's an economical solution that's easy to establish in your home, especially when you go through community platforms like Nomador.

5. Take part in a pet-sitting exchange

If you want to have your dog taken care of without spending a dime, you can also take part in a pet-sitting exchange. For example, if you're vacationing in July, someone can take care of your pet. In exchange, you take care of theirs in August. All you need to do is contact candidates in your area and agree upon dates. It's all about dog owners helping one another! Take time to discuss or even visit them beforehand, so you never need to make a decision in haste. You need to like the host family, but you also need to be comfortable with the pet you'll be caring for afterwards!


How much does dog care cost?

Depending on the solution you choose, setting up dog care while you're on vacation can either be costly or cheap. Dog care will be free if you call upon your friends or family, or if you take part in a pet-sitting exchange with another owner. For boarding kennels, prices will vary according to the quality of service, the size of the dog, etc. Generally, you can count on €15 to €20 per day. Beware of rates that are too low!

For a host family, you can count on approximately €10 per day. To have someone come for in-home dog care, the rate depends on the number of visits and the distance the dog sitter must travel. Some offer their services for free, simply out of their love for animals, while others charge for their services. Some simply ask for lodging in exchange for house-sitting, with dog-sitting included. This is also totally free for you. It all simply depends on your expectations and your budget!

House sitting: the best dog care option while you're on vacation

House-sitting is the best solution in terms of your pet's comfort. The dog can stay home in total tranquility, surrounded by their toys and their sleeping area. You establish a care schedule with the dog-sitter beforehand. They'll take care of feeding, walking and playing with your pooch. Ask for custom services if need be, such as veterinary trips or dog training exercises. It's an economical solution, and one of the best in terms of quality and price. Leave for vacation in total peace of mind, whether for ten days or an entire month. Your dog will visit dog parks with their sitter and will enjoy all the attention they need for ensuring their well-being in your absence. You'll return from vacation to a dog that's well-rested and happy.

Nomador is a community platform that allows you to make contact with reliable and trustworthy dog sitters near you. Through our national network, you'll easily find a sitter who will meet your dog care needs while you're on vacation!



Nomador is an international home-sitting platform. The nomador community puts people in touch with home-sitters and home-owners they can trust. It is dedicated to people who need to find a solution to leave with peace of mind by entrusting their house (for family holidays, trips abroad or business travels), and people who travel through the world in exchange for lodging (watching over a home).

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